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Guide to the post-signing email feature
Guide to the post-signing email feature

Learn how and when to use this feature to brand yourself and stay top-of-mind

Updated over a week ago

What is the Post-Signing email?

The post-signing email is a new feature that allows the notary to send a general record of the transaction directly to the signer once the notary journal entry is completed. It benefits the user 2 main ways.

  1. First, it allows the signer to easily request an official copy of the notary journal entry if needed. State law dictates the specifics of this process, and usually require the signer to have information such as the name of the document, the month/year it was notarized, and/or the name of the signers in order to fulfill the request.

  2. Second, it allows you to brand yourself as a notary, and make your contact information easily accessible to the signer for future notarial needs. You work hard to ensure you're providing top-notch service to your clients, and we want to make sure it is as easy as possible for them to reach back out to you in the future

Important - The email address that the signer uses is not saved nor is it accessible to you as the notary. This is done to prevent a signers email address from being potentially misused, such as adding them to an email list that they may not have opted in for.

How to use it

The post-signing email option is at the end of the signing entry process, before marking your entry as complete. Ask the signer if they'd like the receive an email record of the transaction, and please remember that this is completely optional.

You can change your contact information if you'd like, allowing you to brand yourself and your notary company. Change the name and contact information that you'd like the signer to receive, and click "Save"

That's it! The signer will receive an email overview of what just took place.

Changing your contact information to brand your business

It is recommended to change your contact information to accurately reflect your business's branding and up-to-date communication channels. You can change the contact information in the following 2 places on the mobile app, and 1 place in the web-app (view pictures below for examples);

  • (Mobile) On the review screen, right below the input field for the signer's email address

  • (Mobile) In the main menu settings

  • (Web) On the review screen right before completing a new entry

What does the email that the signer receives look like?

Below is a sample of what the email looks like. The email is automatically generated by our servers and contains the following information:

  • Your contact information (which you can customize)

  • The journal entry's unique identifer

  • The time of the notarization (in Coordinated Universal Time)

  • The name of the documents that were notarized

Important - The email that they receive is NOT a genuine copy of the notary journal entry, nor does it contain any sensitive personally identifiable information.

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