Logging in to your account
1. Log in to your account. First, let's take a look at how the journal looks when privacy mode is not enabled. Click "Journal" to view your entries
Enabling/disabling privacy mode
2. Notice the ability to view the signer's names when privacy mode is not enabled. Now let's enable privacy mode to see how it looks. Click this icon.
How your entries look when in privacy mode
3. Now that privacy mode is enabled, notice how the signer's names are redacted. This does not alter the saved data, it only hides the signer's names in order to prevent the accidental leak of sensitive information. In order to turn privacy mode off, click this icon again.
Tip! Enabling privacy mode on the website will also enable it on your mobile apps, and vice versa.
Enabling privacy mode from your profile
4. You can also turn on/off privacy mode from the your profile. To do this, click "User Profile"
5. Click the "Enable Privacy mode" field.